domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the story of 20 years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is being abused and raped by her father and attempting to protect her sister from the same fate, and continuing over the course of her marriage to “Mister,” a brutal man who terrorizes her. Celie eventually learns that her abusive husband has been keeping her sister’s letters from her and the rage she feels, combined with an example of love and independence provided by her close friend Shug, pushes her finally toward an awakening of her creative and loving self.

Bram Stoker's Dracula (English) (Español)

Can there be a more terrifying tale than this? The story of the notorious vampire Count Dracula, lord of the undead, who rises from his coffin at night to suck the blood of the living is, undoubtedly, the stuff of nightmares. A lunatic asylum, a bleak Transylvanian castle, an ancient cemetary . . . these are the dark backgrounds to the even darker deeds portrayed in this most bloodcurdling of tales.


English: EPUB - MOBI - PDF
Español: EPUB - MOBI - PDF

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts by Samuel Beckett

From an inauspicious beginning at the tiny Left Bank Theatre de Babylone in 1953, followed by bewilderment among American and British audiences, Waiting for Godot has become of the most important and enigmatic plays of the past fifty years and a cornerstone of twentieth-century drama. As Clive Barnes wrote, “Time catches up with genius … Waiting for Godot is one of the masterpieces of the century.”

The story revolves around two seemingly homeless men waiting for someone—or something—named Godot. Vladimir and Estragon wait near a tree, inhabiting a drama spun of their own consciousness. The result is a comical wordplay of poetry, dreamscapes, and nonsense, which has been interpreted as mankind’s inexhaustible search for meaning. Beckett’s language pioneered an expressionistic minimalism that captured the existential post-World War II Europe. His play remains one of the most magical and beautiful allegories of our time.

La Historia Interminable (The Neverending Story) (Español) (Inglés)

This epic work of the imagination has captured the hearts of millions of readers worldwide since it was first published more than a decade ago. Its special story within a story is an irresistible invitation for readers to become part of the book itself. And now this modern classic and bibliophile's dream is available in hardcover again.

The story begins with a lonely boy named Bastian and the strange book that draws him into the beautiful but doomed world of Fantastica. Only a human can save this enchanted place - by giving its ruler, the Childlike Empress, a new name. But the journey to her tower leads through lands of dragons, giants, monsters, and magic - and once Bastian begins his quest, he may never return. As he is drawn deeper into Fantastica, he must find the mysteries of his own heart.

Readers, too, can travel to the wonderous, unforgettable world of Fantastica if they will just turn the page...

       Español: EPUB - MOBI - PDF
       Inglés: EPUB - MOBI - PDF

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Introduction to Shakespeare's Sonnets
The Sonnets are Shakespeare's most popular works, and a few of them, such as Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day), Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds), and Sonnet 73 (That time of year thou mayst in me behold), have become the most widely-read poems in all of English literature.
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, likely composed over an extended period from 1592 to 1598, the year in which Francis Meres referred to Shakespeare's "sugred sonnets":
The witty soul of Ovid lives in mellifluous & honey-tongued Shakespeare, witness his Venus and Adonis, his Lucrece, his sugared sonnets among his private friends, &c. (Palladis Tamia: Wit's Treasury)

Composition Date of the Sonnets 

In 1609 Thomas Thorpe published Shakespeare's sonnets, no doubt without the author's permission, in quarto format, along with Shakespeare's long poem, The Passionate Pilgrim. The sonnets were dedicated to a W. H., whose identity remains a mystery, although William Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke, is frequently suggested because Shakespeare's First Folio (1623) was also dedicated to him. 


The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (EPUB) (English)

Hamlet. Romeo and Juliet. Henry V. Macbeth. A Midsummer Night's Dream. King Lear. Lovers of literature will immediately recognize these as signature works of William Shakespeare, whose plays still rank as the greatest dramas ever produced in the English language four centuries after they were written. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare collects all thirty-seven of the immortal Bard's comedies, tragedies, and historical plays in a collectible leatherbound edition. This volume also features Shakespeare's complete poetry, including the sonnets. With this beautiful leatherbound edition, you can enjoy Shakespeare's enduring literary legacy again and again.

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miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Epub) (Mobi)

Edgar Allan Poe is credited with having pioneered the short story, having perfected the tale of psychological horror, and having revolutionized modern poetics.The entirety of Poe's body of imaginative work encompasses detective tales, satires, fables, fantasies, science fiction, verse dramas, and some of the most evocative poetry in the English language.

This book collects all of Poe's fiction and poetry in a single volume, including "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Pit and the Pendulum,." "The Raven," "Annabel Lee," the full-length novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, and much more.

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El Hobbit (Español) (Inglés)

Bilbo Bolsón es como cualquier hobbit: no mide más de metro y medio, vive pacíficamente en la Comarca, y su máxima aspiración es disfrutar de los placeres sencillos de la vida (comer bien, pasear y charlar con los amigos). Y es que todos ellos son tan vagos como bonachones, por naturaleza, y porque quieren. Pero una soleada mañana, Bilbo recibe la inesperada visita de Gandalf, el mago de larga barba gris y alto sombrero, que cambiará su vida para siempre.      
Con Gandalf y una pandilla de trece enanos, y con la ayuda de un mapa misterioso, nuestro héroe partirá hacia la Montaña Solitaria a fin de rescatar el valioso tesoro custodiado por Smaug el Dorado, un terrible y enorme dragón. Para eso tendrán que superar muchísimos peligros y toda clase de aventuras que Bilbo jamás hubiera podido ni imaginar y que lo convertirán en el hobbit más famoso del mundo. Lo que Bilbo no sabe es que el anillo que encontró en el camino será el principio de otra gran aventura… la de El Señor de los Anillos.
                                                       English Illustrated: EPUB - MOBI - PDF
 Español Ilustrado:  EPUB - MOBI - PDF